21 01, 2018

The tear

The tear Infinite radiates their young ardor. To whom remains the sun that shines like an eclipses in the heart. The pain of a child who dies does not search for words. He asks only that time goes back. To give more hugs and express more signs of love ...

21 01, 2018

Their demeanor

I cannot forget their demeanor, their clean, good, healthy appearances … “our fellowmen”

21 01, 2018

I pray that Marco supports

I pray that Marco supports and helps you in daylight and that he is able to touch you like an invisible aura in the darker hours, when the distances fade and everything seems possible.

19 01, 2018

There are no answers

There are no answers, but I want to think that for a purpose unknown to us, fate has chosen you as an example for love, friendship and courage.

18 01, 2018

Thank you Gloria & Marco

Love who you are, love what you do, love people ... love love love, it does not matter how long your trip will last, but the message you leave behind will be priceless. Thank you Gloria & Marco