

July 2024

14 October 2023

Grenfellove’s fifth anniversary is commemorated in the filled-to-capacity Romano Pascutto theatre (San Stino di Livenza – metropolitan city of Venice) by the non-profit Orchestra della Speranza (Orchestra of Hope) and the Academy Danza, led by Luis Lanzarini and Angela Gonella, respectively.
Musical compositions by Abba, Pink Floyd, Queen, Morricone, Piazzolla and many others are played.
Donations are collected to finance a Snoezelen multisensory room in San Giorgio delle Pertiche (a municipality in the province of Padua where Gloria has lived) for disabled children’s learning support.



June 2023

14 June 2023

A workshop is organised by Peregrine Bryant and Laura Morgante (from London-based Peregrine Bryant Architects Ltd., where Gloria worked) in the premises of London’s Italian Cultural Institute, to deal with G&M Award, which they established to honour worthy newly-graduated architects from Iuav university of Venice, and Fondazione Grenfellove Marco e Gloria, created by Marco’s parents.

Peregrine Bryant, Giannino Gottardi (Marco’s father) and Preety Hudd (the mayor of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, where the Grenfell Tower was located) participate.


11 June 2023

The San Stino ACD (non-professional soccer association) of the metropolitan-city-of-Venice municipality organises the third junior tournament, the second one dedicated to Marco Gottardi.




May 2023

25 May 2023

Applause and emotion are received by 53 students from the “Inclusion” department of Pertini – Newton high school enacting “The Knight and the Princess” and “They will be famous” musicals (both inspired by Marco and Gloria’s story) at the Ferrari theatre in Camposampiero (province of Padua), under their teachers’ leadership.
School manager Chiara Tonello highlights the performance role in proving that matching different abilities and sensitivities may make seemingly impossible goals achieved; the inside-the-school production of set designs, choreographies, costumes, and music; the ambition and motivation of the project, having been occasionally arduous, but concurrently exciting and gratifying also with respect to the engagement of a great number of students throughout one year.




14 March 2023

In the framework of an event taking place at the “Leonardo da Vinci” cultural centre in San Donà di Piave (metropolitan city of Venice) and organised by “Romolo Onor” comprehensive school in cooperation with the Grenfellove foundation, Chiara Carminati tells daily-life experiences in front of many middle-classes students, by using simple and deep words and being accompanied by Gianluca Magnani’s music.

April 2023

1 April 2023

“Gloria and Marco a love story” is enacted by “Gli Apostrofi” (a theatre company from Treviso) at the Giardino movie theatre in San Giorgio delle Pertiche (province of Padua), with Fabio Verducci as director and Alice Urban as set designer.